Advertising Work: San Francisco Aids Foundation

Tear sheet and outtakes from advertising studio shoots for the San Francisco Aids Foundation Continue Reading
Tear sheet and outtakes from advertising studio shoots for the San Francisco Aids Foundation Continue Reading
Studio shoot in San Francisco with food vendors of Whole Foods Market for an advertising campaign in Northern California and Reno. Continue Reading
This studio portrait of skateboarder Mark Partain photographed in San Jose, CA reminds of what is still important about photography and why I’m lucky to be a photographer. Continue Reading
Studio portraits of X Games skateboarding big air winners Mitchie Brusco and Bob Burnquist. They are separated by 20 years in age but they remind us that skateboarding doesn’t discriminate against age. Or maybe it doesn’t matter in sports when you are 45 feet off the ground? Continue Reading
A gallery of 16 portraits of pro skateboarders from an ongoing series that ran in the April issue of The Skateboard Mag. Continue Reading
An excerpt of images from a project I am working on with Brian Bounds and Dirty Donny that will be published by Gingko Press for Double D’s upcoming book. Continue Reading
A gallery of product photography of vinyl toy artist Frank Kozik’s work. Photos by Jay Watson Photography. Continue Reading